Tuesday 8 February 2022


 I been away from here for nearly a year! Long time. Due to severe reading block. Not quite sure how to solve it .

Sunday 19 April 2020


Sorting out books, put it this way I can open my own secondhand book shop!
Found books I completely forgot about. Books I doubled up  on. Books why did I buy that for? Then looking inside ah that’s why .
A pile of books  ready to go to the charity shop when they reopen. Have to look in a pile as a book which I want to keep went into the charity pile.
People been leaving books at their driveways etc so you can help yourself one way of giving them a new home.
Found a gorgeous knitting pattern in a book I forgot about it’s for a square knitted from corner to corner in what I believe called apricot leaf stitch and I have got the softest peach colour yarn to knit it in. So glad I done some sorting out books, more to do but not today.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

No Book Shops

Had a look in my new cook book, and there are plenty of recipes I would like to try and not needing many ingredients which is good especially now and most of them are store cupboards stuff which hopefully are easy to get. Won’t be going shopping till tomorrow.
No book shops opened now . I know you can buy online but fortunately enough I have got plenty to be going on with.  So hopefully this virus will be gone soon .

Sunday 22 March 2020

Book For Mothers Day

I was given a new cookery book for Mother’s Day. It’s all about stew s and casseroles. Many I should be able to adapt for my slow cooker. Love my slow cooker. Must find the book which came with my original slow cooker , which I still have. Very happy memories with the slow cooker and book.
Books do give you many happy memories at times.  Even my craft books I made so many items from them and so many recipes which are traditions in my family now.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Got Over

As the saying goes you can’t have to many books, rings true now with this isolation business my hoard of books will come in handy, many to read. Cookery books shall be used craft books will also be used fiction and non fiction as well . Glad I got my own library.
Still reading about Richard 111 very interesting really enjoying it I think I have got over my reading block.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Not Bored

With this virus going around , I am glad I got lots of reading books and craft books, so I will not be bored.

Sunday 15 March 2020


I have got so many books, but still buy them and I don’t feel guilty, well try not too.
I went into a book shop today , didn’t buy a book but bought a bookmark. Love buying them to , must stock up with more bookmarks. One for each book and I have got plenty of books